The Breathing Process The Breathing Process - Somnium

Centuries, the nameless roa m to ovetak this world;
And all the pain inside her face becomes a place to hide.

For her life aside, and the tides of the sign.
For the scent of your skin is enticing...
Beyond the edge of ivy and trees in the forest I found endless seas.

At the end of time, through the endless skies.
I've dreamt of you.
In this horizon te world: it collapses
Then to unfurl chaos.
It flows a violent red.

For the sirens keep, they sng the smells of her skin.
The moistue of her lips.
The seductions of broken glass...
And in the end we can survive.

I know I cannot break.
I've seen the world;
It collapses all around her fingertips...
I know I cannot break.

Rise from the oceans of blood, my beloved,
I invoke thee...I invoke thee...I invoke thee...

Rise from this furnace of wrath, my cherished
I invoke thee...I invoke thee...I invoke thee...

Now my Goddess...invoke me.

Fall, from the darkest of clouds my enamoured soul...
Blood of my blood. Pain of my pain...
Breath life back into me.

Breath life back into me.
Breath life back into me.